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Tensile roofs
Tensile architecture

Tensile roofs

Natural light
Natural light
Long spans (lightweight and resistant)
Long spans (lightweight and resistant)
Freedom of shape
Freedom of shape

Emblematic buildings

The light weight and flexibility of composite membranes offer tremendous freedom of shape for the creation of emblematic buildings. Tensioned roofs are ideal for large span roofs, allowing the transmission of natural light to ensure a pleasant luminous atmosphere.

Solutions for open and closed buildings

Flexlight membranes enable the installation of tensile roofs on open structures for sports activities (stadiums, grandstand roofs, etc.), cultural buildings (amphitheatres, etc.) and educational establishments (covered playgrounds for schools, etc.). They enable the creation of roofs or entire envelopes for closed buildings to optimise the transmission of natural light into atriums, shopping malls, sports halls and arenas, airport terminals and stations, etc. They also allow for the implementation of double skin thermal insulation solutions.

Durable materials

Based on Précontraint technology, Serge Ferrari has developed a range of high performance composite materials with lasting mechanical properties and proven aesthetics. Flexlight membranes are a perfect example of Serge Ferrari's environmental approach: they are eco-designed and can be recycled via Texyloop.

success story
Tensile architecture

A Flexlight Xtrem TX30 tensioned roof at The Camp

Xtrem TX30-V
Shading structures
Translucent roofs
OL Stadium tensile roof in Lyon
Translucent roofs

OL Stadium in Lyon

Unicentro shopping centre tensile roof
Translucent roofs

Unicentro shopping centre

Cadavid Arquitectos
Century Lotus Stadium tensile roof in China
Translucent roofs

Century Lotus Stadium

GMP Hambourg
Translucent roofs

CasaPark shopping centre

André Sá e Francisco Mota Arquitetos
Warsaw National Stadium retractable roof
Translucent roofs

Warsaw National Stadium

gmp Architekten / JSK Architekci
Château La Coste gallery tensile roof
Translucent roofs

Château La Coste gallery

Renzo Piano Building Workshop