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Stamoid  Heavy Cover
Equipment protection

Stamoid Heavy Cover

Stamoid Heavy Cover is a very robust fabric for the creation of large-sized winter covers. Easy to clean and completely waterproof, it is ideal for the protection of motor boats, yachts and sailing boats.
Quick and easy upkeep
Quick and easy upkeep
100% waterproof
100% waterproof
Total protection against UVB rays and highly resistant to severe weather conditions
Total protection against UVB rays and highly resistant to severe weather conditions
Mooring covers

Mooring covers

Winter covers

Winter covers

Dinghy covers

Dinghy covers






Pearl grey


Cloud grey

Technical specifications


Values Standards
  Stamoid Heavy Cover F4313  
Technical properties
Coating 1 side PVC   
Base cloth  1,100 Dtex PES HT  
Weight  15.3 oz/sq.yd
520 g/m²
EN ISO 2286-2
Length of rolls 32.81 yd
30 ml
Thickness 590 microns
0,59 mm

Tensile strength (warp/weft)

719/781 lbs/2 in
320/350 daN/5 cm
EN ISO 1421
Tear strength (warp/weft) 106/115 lbs/2 in
47/51 daN
DIN 53.363
Flexing resistance (no damage) - EN ISO 32100 
Bally test
Color light fastness >4/5 (1 000 h.) QUVA test 
according ASTM G 154
UV Filtration UPF 50+ NF 13758-1 +A1
Resistance to water infiltration - EN 20811
Breathability -  
Mold resistance Degree 0, excellent EN ISO 846-A
Extreme working temperatures -4°F / +158°F
-20°C / +70°C
Management system
Quality    ISO 9001
Environment   ISO 14001
Energy    ISO 50001 only for F4128
Certifications, labels, warranty
5-year warranty - Smart Coating Technology (Nano-Top) - CShR¹

¹Summarizes the group’s CSR project focused on human, to align economic performance and positive impact.

The technical data above are average values with a +/- 5% tolerance.

The buyer of our products is fully responsible for their application or their transformation concerning any possible third party. The buyer of our products is responsible for their
implementation and installation in compliance with standards, codes of practice and safety regulations in force in destination countries. To ensure warranty effectiveness, refer to
warranty certificate concerned available on demand. The values quoted above represent results of tests performed in compliance with common design practices and are provided
for information only to enable customers to make the best use of our products. Our products are subject to changes prompted by technological developments. We reserve the right
to modify their characteristics at any time. The buyer of our products is responsible for checking the validity of the above data. 

The colours and textures presented are included for information only.


  • We recommend Serge Ferrari Cleaner 500 to clean and maintain Stamoid membranes
  • Short rolls available