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Istanbul airport, walkway in STFE

IGA Istanbul Airport – Pedestrian Walkway

Tensile architecture
Project Participants
Building owner: IGA
General Contractor: Onart Structures
Architectural and Structural Design, Engineering: Kayabay Architecture
Membrane Fabrication and Steel Structure: Onart Structures
Membrane Installation: Partner Global

Membranes: STFE 50 / FLEXLIGHT 1202 S2
Completion date: September 2021
IGA Istanbul Airport replaces the former Atatürk Airport. With a capacity of up to 90 million passengers
per year and up to 200 million by 2028, it is currently the largest airport in the world in terms of passengers and square footage.
istanbul airport tensile architecture of a walkway in stfe serge ferrari



An extension in the form of a covered walkway was designed. This non-enclosed walkway had to protect users from bad weather and be aesthetically pleasing, while delivering a high level of light. The entire walkway has a multi-material roof made of Flexlight 1202 S2 which allows translucency, but the real added value of this project is the STFE which offers significant transparency to avoid any sense of enclosure and create a dynamic open-air effect. The three sections with STFE turn the roof into remarkable skylights.
