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Our CShR policy

Rapports RSE Serge Ferrari
Our background and beliefs correspond to a constant innovation approach. Our industrial activity is analysed in detail and the results are published annually in our CSR report.

Ever since its inception, Serge Ferrari Group has shown unwavering concern for the preservation of our environment. That is why in 2021, the Group sought once more to challenge its own course by making the integration of sustainability issues across all organizational levels a key condition for growth.

As a result, the Group’s CSR policy has been entirely overhauled, not only to better address the environmental and social challenges of its business model, but also to further develop its competitive advantages.

Serge Ferrari Group now has a new mission statement: ‘Act now to build a better tomorrow’. Rather than expressing a mere sentiment, these words actually provide the foundation for the Group’s business orientation and 2022-2030 sustainability strategy for all of its operations and endeavours.

One simple and quantifiable commitment

From this new mission statement, a simple principle is derived: to do more with zero additional impact. The goal is to propose a more virtuous growth model across the Group with the neutralization of all associated negative impacts (by reducing our carbon footprint for instance).

With the adoption of this principle (building on its carbon reduction plan) summarized by the formula ‘Do better with less’, Serge Ferrari Group is imposing a new Group-wide norm to deliver growth with no additional impacts.
The new vision relies on three pillars that will guide and define the Group’s CSR strategy.



•    The HUMAN pillar

The strength of Serge Ferrari Group lies in the complementarity of the Group’s expertise across all organizational levels. Every employee, whatever their role, mission or position, brings their own unique mix of hard and soft skills, and constitutes a crucial addition to the value chain.

To nurture and promote this strength, the Human pillar is at the core of the Group’s CSR policy and focuses on three priority areas: health and safety, diversity, and employee recognition.

•    The ENVIRONMENTAL pillar

Serge Ferrari Group has always had a proactive attitude towards addressing environmental issues. This is the domain where the Group first started implementing a quantified and assessable CSR policy. The environmental strategy addresses a two-pronged objective of lowering its direct impact and broadening its offering of eco-friendly products. 

More specifically, the Environmental pillar is articulated around three priority goals: carbon footprint reduction, lower consumption of natural resources, and biodiversity protection.


Although innovation has been at the core of Serge Ferrari’s DNA for 50 years, the Group now needs to redefine its product development approach to offer lighter and more durable membranes by rationalizing its use of raw materials, and developing new innovative materials to address both environmental challenges and new expectations and trends across the Group’s different markets.

In more practical terms, the Sustainable Innovation pillar focuses on three priority aspects: eco-design, waste material use, and product solutions.


Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that every employee can see these pillars integrated into their daily work and the Group’s projects, and make their own contributions and propose improvements. This will result in a virtuous circle, and a process of continuous innovation, hybridization, and improvement.

All three pillars intersect, complement and compound each other around one single objective: ‘Do better with less’.


© 2022 Nicolas Robin -

© 2022 Nicolas Robin

Download our CSR reports

This report lists the main impacts that we generate and the initiatives that we take to limit them, making every effort to adapt our operations to a circular economy approach.
These reports express our progress, as measured by legible, measurable and comparable data. We ask the parties that work with us on major projects to express themselves. Our respect for these experts and our discussions guide our efforts.

RSE 202"CSR Report 2023





 Serge Ferrari CSR Report 2022CSR Report 2022





Serge Ferrari CSR Report 2022 CSR Report 2021





CSR report 2020 serge ferrari CSR Report 2020





Extract from the DEFP 2018 : An introduction to the sustainable development approach

Rapport RSE 2016


CSR report 2016: To do or not to do…
  Our third report discusses the issue of the profitability of CSR…







Rapport RSE 2015


CSR report 2015: A little lightheartedness... and realism
Our second report discusses the stakes of a perma-circular economy.







Rapport RSE 2014


CSR report 2014: This is not an exercise! (French only)
Our first report attempts to be more than just the simple exercise of writing a CSR report…